Kinesiology & Energy Work
Individual session
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- Coaching

Du zählst normalerweise zu den Power Menschen?!
Doch plötzlich befindest du dich in der Situation, dass du mit deiner großen Herausforderung überfordert bist und nicht mehr weiterweißt.
Du stagnierst aus dir unerklärlichen Gründen.
Du steckst fest und möchtest so schnell wie möglich wieder aus der Ohnmacht in die Beweglichkeit und Leidenschaft des Lebens kommen.
Wenn du erkennst, dass du in deinem Leben JETZT dringend einen exklusiven und erfahrenen Experten benötigst,
- um dich präventiv vor Burn-out oder Depression zu schützen
- um nicht noch tiefer zu fallen
- um deine verantwortungsvolle Funktion schnellst möglich wieder einzigartig ausüben zu können
- um mehr Lebensqualität zu erhalten
Jennifer Wioland
Are you sometimes looking for someone ...
who supports you to develop your potential?
who leads you on a new path?
who accompanies you in your current process or a difficult situation?
that leads you back to your source of strength?
Do you sometimes ask yourself:
Is that all I want to achieve in life?
Can I still change at my age?
Am I satisfied with my situation?
Am I happy?
What do I really want?
Regardless of how old you are, how you grew up, or what kind of upbringing you received, for the most part you are made up of untapped potential.
It is your evolutionary destiny to use what is idle, learn, and keep learning until the end of your life. It is not always easy to choose this destination and take the path of mastery, but it is man's greatest adventure. Goals will appear at some distance, they will be achieved and left behind, and the path will go on and on. It will never end.
How to start the journey With the first step. When? NOW!
George Leonard
Kinesiology is an energetic body therapy that combines acupressure and psychology in one system. With the help of the muscle test and specific questions, blockages and fears can be recognized and gently resolved using various methods. This reactivates the energy flow in the body, relieves stress and stimulates self-regulation and order. The body can thus regain its equilibrium. This enables you to build self-confidence and to free yourself from conditioning and old beliefs.
This means that decisions can be made neutrally again. Personal potential can develop and lead to an increase in productivity and quality of life.
Kinesiology is not only used for problems. It is a very good way to promote prevention, well-being, personal growth, performance enhancement and awareness-raising. Kinesiology can be used in the following areas:
Personality, family, relationship
School, training, studies
Company, management, institution
Sports, music, art and much more
Kinesiology does not replace medical examinations or treatments. However, it is a useful addition and support for medical or therapeutic treatments. In the event of pain and / or persistent organic diseases, you should always consult a doctor.
7 rue St Thiebaut, F 68800 THANN
Tel: +33 (0)
Email: jennifer22wioland@gmail.com